Ibrahim Electronics Ltd is a Trusted Name in the Electronics Appliances business with our operation spread all over Bangladesh. We have grown and increased the peripheral of our business and operations commendably in the last 15 years. In this journey, we have earned endless love and trust from over six million satisfied customers. Esquire has a persistent and immense urge to supply quality products and serve the customers with utmost professionalism and care at the same time SHARP and GENERAL are already maintaining a certain uncompromising standard, but in addition to that, all our imports are specially designed and developed to match the demand and lifestyle of the end-users.
Most importantly to ensure the long lifespan of the products, proper R&D is done to match the conditions of our country’s weather, electricity supply, and other crucial factors. A special line of production is assigned for us to meet the requirement and each and every unit is tested at the production line prior to the shipments. It is needless to mention that regular improvement of service quality is a must to increase customer satisfaction. Ibrahim Electronics Ltd. believes that and maintains a relentless effort trying to improve the same at all times. Regular technical and sales training is conducted to ensure quality customer service.
Our mission is to ensure quality products and services to all end-user and reliability towards us for all their household needs. Our 250 employees & management members are dedicated to this mission.